
Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 Events


Faye Lincoln’s Future Values #6, in which she covers bias, algorithms, and ethics with respect to big data.


Faye Lincoln’s Future Values #5, in which she covers emerging models in scientific research plus new communications technologies and Israeli biotechnology.


Faye Lincoln’s Future Values #4, in which she covers technology threats in AI, social media, and education.


Faye Lincoln’s Future Values #3, in which she covers manufacturing in the US, China, and elsewhere overseas and resulting supply chain issues.


Faye Lincoln presents a Future Values series for Congregation Kol Ami, Sundays from 10 am–11:30 am (with snacks at 9:30 am), with the first on Sunday, March 10, 2024.

Geopolitical Shifts and Changing Technology
From Global Chaos to Personal Clarity

The Russia-Ukraine War: global and Israeli energy solutions
The US vs China: supply chain issues
Technology Threats: AI, social media, and education
Scientific Research: emerging models
Big Data: bias, algorithms, and ethics


Faye Lincoln’s Future Values #1, in which she covers the Russia-Ukraine War, what global and Israeli energy solutions might be required—and what developments might arise.

Snacks will be available starting at 9:30 am.


Faye Lincoln’s Future Values #6, in which she covers bias, algorithms, and ethics with respect to big data.


Faye Lincoln presents a Future Values series for OSHER Utah, Tuesdays from 1:30 pm–3 pm beginning January 16, 2024.

Geopolitical Shifts and Changing Technology
From Global Chaos to Personal Clarity

Values That Shape the World: introduction
The Russia-Ukraine War: energy solutions
The US vs China: supply chain issues
Technology Threats: AI, social media, and education
Scientific Research: emerging models
Big Data: bias, algorithms, and ethics


Faye Lincoln’s Future Values #5, in which she covers emerging models in scientific research plus new communications technologies.


Faye Lincoln’s Future Values #4, in which she covers technology threats in AI, social media, and education.


Faye Lincoln’s Future Values #3, in which she covers manufacturing in the US, China, and elsewhere overseas and resulting supply chain issues.


Faye Lincoln’s Future Values #2, in which she covers the Russia-Ukraine War and what energy solutions might be required—and what developments might arise.


Faye Lincoln’s Future Values #1, the introduction to the course, in which she builds future values foundations based on her Values That Shape the World.


Faye Lincoln discusses her critically-acclaimed book Values That Shape the World.

Moderated by Rabbi Samuel L. Spector; sponsored by The Edwin Black Show.

7 pm MT via Zoom.


The King’s English Bookshop presents Faye Lincoln, author of Values That Shape the World: Ancient Precepts, Modern Concepts, in conversation with author and screenwriter Wayne Johnson.

Event is free; registration is required. Copies of Values ordered before the event can be autographed.